Showing 76 - 100 of 107 Results
Poetical Works of John Nicholson, the Airedale Poet by Nicholson, John, Hird, W. G. ISBN: 9781163305447 List Price: $32.76
Poetical Works of John Nicholson, the Airedale Poet by Nicholson, John, Hird, W. G. ISBN: 9781163519325 List Price: $44.76
Policy Analysis in the United States by Hird, John A. ISBN: 9781447346005
Sant� Mentale des Enfants et des Adolescents � D�pistage (SMEA-D) InterRAI, Manuel de l�util... by Stewart, Shannon L., Hirdes... ISBN: 9781622550951 List Price: $39.95
Suppl�ment Pour Adolescents (SMEA-A) InterRAI Formulaire D��valuation by Stewart, Shannon L., Hirdes... ISBN: 9781622550906
�valuation de la Sant� Mentale des Enfants et des Adolescents (SMEA) InterRAI Manuel de l'ut... by Stewart, Shannon L., Hirdes... ISBN: 9781622550876 List Price: $94.95
InterRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User's Manual by Stewart, Shannon L., Hirdes... ISBN: 9781622550920 List Price: $39.95
InterRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form by Stewart, Shannon L., Hirdes... ISBN: 9781622550937
InterRAI Community Mental Health (CMHSchweiz) Bedarfsabkl�rungsinstrument by Hirdes, John P., Curtin-Tel... ISBN: 9781622551156
InterRAI Community Mental Health Schweiz (interRAI CMHSchweiz) Bedarfsabkl�rungsinstrument u... by Hirdes, John P., Curtin-Tel... ISBN: 9781622551149 List Price: $54.95
InterRAI Community Mental Health Suisse (interRAI CMHSuisse) Instrument d��valuation et Manu... by Hirdes, John P., Curtin-Tel... ISBN: 9781622551118 List Price: $54.95
Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) en Sant� Mentale InterRAI Compl�ment Aux Instruments d�... by Hirdes, John P., Curtin-Tel... ISBN: 9781622551279 List Price: $74.95
InterRAI Contact Assessment (CA) Form (New Zealand English), Version 10 by Hirdes, John P., Ziraldo Ma... ISBN: 9781622552160
InterRAI Contact Assessment (CA) Form (Canadian English), Version 10 by Hirdes, John P., Ziraldo Ma... ISBN: 9781622552153
InterRAI Self-Reported Carer Needs (SCaN) Assessment Form and User�s Manual, Version 10.0, S... by Fries, Brant E., Hirdes, Jo... ISBN: 9781622552214 List Price: $46.95
�valuation � l�accueil (EA) InterRAI, Manuel de l�utilisateur et Formulaire: une �valuation ... by Hirdes, John P., Ziraldo Ma... ISBN: 9781622552184 List Price: $69.95
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